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We Do Mortgages!

We help people just like you get a mortgage for their dream home or
to refinance their current home.  Plus, we have a variety of loan programs
to fit your individual home loan needs.

Contact us today and we can help you, too!

We now offer the following:

No appointment necessary.

Phone: (956) 423-5792
Email: [email protected]

All Loans subject to credit approval.
Special Terms and Conditions May Apply.
We partner with Servion, Inc., NMLS #1037

Home Mortgage Disclosure Act Notice
The HMDA data about our residential mortgage lending are available for review.
The data show geographic distribution of loans and application; ethnicity, race, sex and
income of applicants and borrowers; and information about loan approvals and denials.
Inquire at this office regarding the locations where HMDA data for years 2014 – 2016
may be inspected.  To receive a copy of these data send a written request to:

Rio Grande Valley Credit Union (RGVCU)
1221 Morgan Blvd.
Harlingen, TX 78550

HMDA data is available online for review for RGVCU and many other financial institutions
for years 2017 and on.  For more information, visit Consumer Financial Protection Bureau’s
Web Site (

Federally insured by NCUA

956-423-5792 | [email protected]

1221 Morgan Blvd. Harlingen, Texas 78550 | COMPLAINT NOTICE

©2025 RGV Credit Union | Credit Union Website Design & Hosting

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NCUA - Your savings federally insured to at least $250,000 and backed by the full faith and credit of the United States Government NCUA National Credit Union Administration, a U.S. Government Agency