Report Lost/Stolen Debit/Credit Card
during business hours (956) 423-5792
Activate/Report Lost/File a Dispute
Debit/Credit Card (833) 729-2844
It’Me247 & Bill Pay
Deposit Slips
Rate Board
Effective March 1, 2025
Rates subject to change without notice.
Phone: (956) 423-5792
[email protected]
Saving & Club Accounts |
$100.00 - $4,999.99
0.05% APR
0.05% APY
$5,000.00 - $9,999.99
0.10% APR
0.10% APY
$10,000.00 and Over
0.25% APR
0.25% APY
$100.00 Minimum Average Daily Balance Required to Earn Interest. |
Interest Bearing Checking |
$100.00 - $4,999.99
0.05% APR
0.05% APY
$5,000.00 - $9,999.99
0.10% APR
0.10% APY
$10,000.00 and Over
0.25% APR
0.25% APY
$100.00 Minimum Average Daily Balance Required To Earn Interest. |
180 Day Certificate of Deposit |
4.50% APR
4.59% APY
1 Year Certificate of Deposit |
3.75% APR
3.82% APY
2 Year Certificate of Deposit |
2.75% APR
2.79% APY
3 Year Certificate of Deposit |
1.75% APR
1.76% APY
$1,000.00 Minimum Average Daily Balance Required to Earn Interest. An early withdrawal penalty will apply if terms of certificate are changed before the maturity date. Please call for details. |
1 Year IRA Certificate of Deposit |
3.75% APR
2 Year IRA Certificate of Deposit |
2.75% APR
2.79% APY
3 Year IRA Certificate of Deposit |
1.75% APR
1.76% APY
$10.00 Minimum Average Daily Balance Required to Earn Interest. An early withdrawal
penalty may apply for withdrawals before age 59-1/2. Please call for details. |
APR - Annual Percentage Rate
APY - Annual Percentage Yield
Apply online for FIVE Hundred Bucks!
Existing RGVCU Members may apply after meeting the following criteria:
- Must be employed and/or receiving a set income for the past 5 years
- Have a direct deposit or salary deduction for 6 months prior to applying
and must be in good standing with RGVCU
17.74% APR - 8 Month Term; $20 Processing Fee. Special Terms &
Conditions May Apply; APR - Annual Percentage Rate;
Loans are subject to Credit Approval.
APR - Annual Percentage Rate |
Rates Subject to Change Daily - Please call Credit Union (956) 423-5792 for current rates. |
*Special Terms and Conditions May Apply. Promotions Subject to Stop at Any Time. |
Loan Type |
Term |
Rate |
Auto Loans |
Up to 72 Months
73 Months - 84 Months |
5.99% - 17.99% APR
6.99% - 17.99% APR |
Auto Refinance |
Up to 72 Months
73 Months - 84 Months |
5.99% - 17.99% APR 6.99% - 17.99% APR
Boats, RVs & Travel Trailer Loans |
Up to 72 Months
73 Months - 120 Months |
7.49% - 17.99% APR
8.49% - 17.99% APR |
Other Collateralized Loans
e.g., Motorcycles |
Up to 72 Months
73 Months - 120 Months |
7.49% - 17.99% APR
8.49% - 17.99% APR |
Classic Vehicles |
Require 20% Down | Up to 60 Months |
5.99% - 17.99% APR |
CD Secured Loan |
Up to 90% of CD;
Not to Exceed CD Term
3.00% over CD Rate |
Shared Secured Loan |
May Borrow up to $900 |
5.50% APR |
Personal Loans |
- |
10.49% - 17.99% APR |
Visa Platinum Credit Card |
No Annual Fee |
5.90% - 18.00% APR |
APR - Annual Percentage Rate
Rates shown are the lowest available. |